Where To Begin
It’s funny… I was trying to decide the title of my first blog post but kept getting stuck at, “where do I begin?” It’s the biggest concern for just about every person I talk to, including myself. “How do I even start this story?!”
I’ll start with a little about me and why I’m here. For the better part of 20 years (I just aged myself…) I have worked in many facets of the music and entertainment industry. I started my career in radio promotions at the age of 19 and after 6 years, I moved my life to Nashville with the hope of working for a record label one day. Like every plan, it almost never goes how you hope. I ended up getting a job doing marketing for Nashville Ballet and it was there that I discovered my love for marketing! I also made the most incredible life long friends while I was there and for that, I am grateful for twists in the road. After 4 years working in the performing arts I finally got the opportunity to work at a major label! I spent 1 year doing record promotions at Curb/Sidewalk Records and it was a time I will never forget. However, I realized that it wasn’t the job for me and was quickly swept up by a local touring musician. For the next 9 months I traveled across the country as a tour manager. During that time I was also working as a part time Marketing Director for an independent label. After getting off the road, I spent some time trying to figure out what my next step would be. As I was scanning jobs online one evening I stumbled across a marketing position at Outback Concerts (now Outback Presents) an independent concert promoter. I applied and got the job! I went from Marketing Coordinator to Marketing Director during my 3 and half years there and was able to sharpen my skills in not only traditional marketing but also the ever changing and growing digital marketing.
If you take anything away from this post, I hope it’s this…SUCCESS TAKES TIME. I know that is the last thing you want to hear. I know that song you just wrote is burning a hole in your guitar; I know you have gifts you want to sell to the world. But, my friend, I’m here to tell you marketing, GOOD marketing, takes time. If you want something done right, you have to take a step back and plan. Plan like you have never planned before.
There is no one size fits all when it comes to marketing, which is kind of nice, but there are basics that, no matter what you are trying to market (a song, a new business, an event, etc.), you can implement and see results. Stick around and I’ll share some of my secrets with you!
Now, I by no means guarantee anyone’s success. I wish I had that super power. This is just what I've learned during my journey and I want to share with you. Like everything else in life, the results you see all depend on the effort you put into it. And if all else fails and you need help, give me a shout and we can work together. *not-so-shameless-plug*
Until next time,